In-person Sessions
Book a session with founder and author, Simone Kain, to speak to the students at your school. A session includes a book reading and interactive discussion around where ideas come from, how to formulate story ideas, PLUS lots of information about Australia's favourite farmer, George the Farmer!
Cost: $615 for a 60 minute session to up to 140 children, including giveaways, plus travel.
Virtual Sessions
Are you looking to inspire a love of reading and writing in your students? Why not consider booking a Skype author session with George the Farmer founder, Simone Kain? Sessions are suitable for Foundation - Year 4 students and cover topics such as where ideas come from, how to formulate a story and more.
All your school needs is an internet connection and some curious kids!
Cost: $280 for a 40 minute session
George the Farmer - an Author’s Perspective
The Year 1/2 students were fortunate enough to host Simone Kain, the author of “George the Farmer”, during a skype session as part of their English classes on author’s intent and story-telling. Students had been encouraged to make predictions about what “George the Farmer” could be about before they were introduced to the ABC Landline story on George and his founder and author, Simone Kain. Further research was undertaken by the class as they studied how George was created to fill a gap in the childrens’ apps and books market about Australian farmers. The classes read some of the George the Farmer books.
Prior to the Skype session, students drafted questions to ask Simone about being an author, the creation of George, the authors or stories that inspired her, and asked for advice as potential authors or app designers of the future. Through exposure to Simone Kain as an Australian author, students have begun a journey through real live situations, enriching their learning and opening their eyes to the many variations and types of farming.
- Andrea Vallance, Timboon P-12 School